Know who your potential clients owe, how much they owe and for how long they have been owing in seconds!

A lot of people borrow money from financial service providers and then run to another when they fail to pay.

Why work with us?

Have you ever had a client borrow money and take forever to pay or worse never pay at all?

Our main goal is to show you the history of your client with other loan providers. We want to reduce your risk by exposing the history of your borrowers. We also want to help you digitize the mangement of your clients and set reminders for payment due dates.


Below are the services we offer!

Risk Reduction

We make sure that that you know the history of your client in seconds by typing their id number into our centralised database. You can get access to their previous lenders and current loans. You will know how much they owe, who they owe and for how long they have owed them. You will even get the personal review left by previous lenders.

Loan Applications

We offer a way for potential borrowers to apply online in seconds by sending their details and payslip so that you can give them feedback on their eligibility for a loan.


We help you keep client records in a digital way, this helps in preventing loss of data and also helps with recovery of data using our permanent record keeping system. This saves you on stationery and helps you manage your clients on the go using your mobile smartphone.

Apply for a loan!!

Payslip (PDF)
Phone Number
Select Loan Provider